Code of Conduct


In view of current socio-political events and the growing polarization, especially in the cultural sector, the Deichtorhallen actively promote the plurality of opinions and forms of expression in the spirit of artistic freedom. Artistic freedom is a core value of our democratic society and has brought Germany to thrive as a unique, international, and inspiring cultural scene.

The Deichtorhallen want to give art and photography enthusiasts from Hamburg and all over the world an environment for safe encounters and respectful exchange, a place for cultural, social and interdisciplinary participation.

The Deichtorhallen speak out against any form of discrimination on the basis of gender, race, nationality, religion, age, disability or political opinion, including explicitly anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. Sexual or other personal harassment or insults, coercion or violence or the threat thereof will not be tolerated here in any way. The Deichtorhallen sees itself as a place that not only reflects plurality and democratic values, but also wants to actively protect and preserve them.

We hope that this statement insures save, inclusive and productive discussions for all, which we have been striving for from the very beginning since our inception. The respect for and protection of human dignity and the right of artistic freedom are core values we wish to protect.