

50 Star Photographers show their vision of the ideal


Particularly in recent years, society's image of the male has undergone major changes. From the Adonis with six pack abs and the metrosexual male up to and including the self-confident, dynamic success type personality whose decisions are nevertheless motivated by passion. The world´s top fashion photographers have played a decisive role in shaping this evolution. What is the inspiring force behind the (idealised) iconographical image of the zeitgeist? What develops beyond the requirements of the market place, what develops 'on its own'?

The project gathers the international elite of fashion and portrait photography for the first time, providing it with a creative artistic framework. It shows men from various perspectives, strong, weak, sexy - modern men who reflect more than the social ideal, enabling something from the substance of their being to emerge.

The exhibition “Traummaenner“ is the follow-up project to “Traumfrauen“ which was presented from 20.09. to 09.11.2008 at the Deichtorhallen.

Bryan Adams, Camilla Åkrans, Margarita Broich, Jake Chessum, Liz Collins, Michelangelo di Battista, Horst Diekgerdes, Tony Duran, Deborah Feingold, Nathaniel Goldberg, Henrik Halvarsson, Pamela Hanson, Frederike Helwig, Thomas Hoeffgen, Marc Hom, Hadley Hudson, Matt Jones, Nadav Kander, Ali Kepenek, Kirchknopf & Grambow, Paola Kudacki, Mona Kuhn, Thomas Leidig, Peter Lindbergh, Roxanne Lowit, Sandor Lubbe, Carlotta Manaigo, Mary Ellen Mark, Mary McCartney, Ralph Mecke, Tom Munro, Sheryl Nields, Vincent Peters, Phil Poynter, Rankin, Daniel Riera, Satoshi Saïkusa, Martin Schoeller, Mark Seliger, Giampaolo Sgura, Peggy Sirota, Alec Soth, Elisabeth Toll, Diego Uchitel, Ellen von Unwerth, Matthias Vriens-McGrath, Albert Watson, Bruce Weber, Sascha Weidner, Jan Welters.

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Video Eight photographers talk about dreammen



The project goes along with a book of the Dumont publishing house. Nadine Barth (Ed.) About 224 pages with appox. 150 coloured images 31 x 24 cm, hardback approx. € 49,99